გიორგი გახარია - ჩვენი პოლიტიკური ძალა პრეზიდენტის უკანონო არჩევის პროცესში მონაწილეობას არ მიიღებს
მამუკა მდინარაძე - ირაკლი ღარიბაშვილი და კონსტანტინე გამსახურდია პრეზიდენტის პოსტზე არ განიხილებიან
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Most Georgia citizens view Russia as country’s main adversary

21.07.2024 ნახვები: 243

The majority of Georgian citizens consider the Russian Federation to be their nation’s major adversary.

The share of respondents expressing this opinion has increased compared to the previous surveys, News Georgia reports, Ukrinform learned.

In the CRRC poll, 69% of respondents called Russia Georgia’s main enemy. In a similar research run in 2021, 66% expressed such an opinion, 49% - in 2019, 40% - in 2017, and 35% - in 2012.

Over the past 12 years, the number of those who believe Georgia has no enemies has not changed, remaining at 4% of the population.

Read also: Another Georgian volunteer killed in Ukraine

A mere 4% see the U.S. as the nation’s main adversary, and 2% believe it is Türkiye. In the 2012 poll, both countries gained 3% each.

When asked which country is currently Goergia’s main friend, the majority of respondents chose the USA (24%), Azerbaijan (8%), and Ukraine (7%). Also, 4% each pointed to Türkiye and Germany; Only 2% of respondents named Russia as their friend. More than a quarter of respondents (26%) believe Georgia has no friends.

The survey was run from April 16 to May 13 in all regions of Georgia, except for the territories temporarily occupied by Russia, covering 1,509 respondents.

It should be recalled that the Georgian authorities have extended the visa-free stay for Ukrainians to three years.

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