გიორგი ვაშაძემ პარლამენტს საკუთარი მანდატის გაუქმების მოთხოვნით ოფიციალურად მიმართა
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XI მოწვევის პარლამენტის თავმჯდომარედ შალვა პაპუაშვილი აირჩიეს
გიორგი ვაშაძე - შენ ვერასდროს მოახერხებ ქართველი ხალხის გაჩუმებას
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Russia keeps two Kalibr carriers armed with eight missiles in Black Sea

29.07.2024 ნახვები: 281

As of 06:00 on Monday, July 29, there were two Russian Kalibr cruise missile carriers in the Black Sea, with a total salvo of eight missiles.

The Ukrainian Navy's press service reported this on Facebook, according to Ukrinform.

At the same time, there are no enemy warships in the Sea of Azov.

In the Mediterranean Sea, there is one enemy warship, with no Kalibr missile carriers.

Read also: Defence forces use effective ways to counter Russian cruise missiles - Navy

Within the day, in the interests of the Russian Federation, eight vessels passed through the Kerch Strait toward the Black Sea, of which one moved toward the Bosphorus Strait. Nine vessels passed through the Kerch Strait toward the Sea of Azov, of which two moved from the Bosphorus Strait.

As reported by Ukrinform, Captain Third Rank Dmytro Pletenchuk, the spokesperson for the Ukrainian Navy, said Russia maintains its presence in the Black Sea area by deploying aircraft and submarines.

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