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სალომე ზურაბიშვილი - ერთადერთ რამეს ვთხოვ პოლიტიკურ პარტიებს, ერთმანეთის ლანძღვა ცოტა გააჩერონ
სალომე ზურაბიშვილი - დღეს ვინც პარლამენტში შევა, შევა რუსეთში
მამუკა მდინარაძე - შევეცდებით, პრეზიდენტობის ისეთი კანდიდატი დავასახელოთ, რომელიც თავიდანვე გამორიცხავს ვარაუდს, რომ მანაც არ გაამართლოს
ოლაფ შოლცი - რუსეთის მიერ უკრაინაში ახალი ბალისტიკური რაკეტის გამოყენება სახიფათო ესკალაციაა
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Ukraine abstains as UNGA demands that Israel leave occupied territories

19.09.2024 ნახვები: 232

The UN General Assembly at an emergency special session on Wednesday adopted a resolution demanding that Israel leave Gaza and the occupied West Bank.

A total of 124 delegations voted in favor of the resolution, 14 voted against it, and 43, including Ukraine, abstained, according to an Ukrinform correspondent in New York.

The non-binding resolution drafted by the Palestinian Authority demands that Israel end its "unlawful presence" in the occupied Palestinian territory within 12 months.

The document is based on an advisory opinion of the International Court of Justice, handed down this summer, which states that Israel's continued presence in Palestinian territories and settlements is illegal and has to be stopped as soon as possible.

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Israel, the USA, and two EU member states - the Czech Republic and Hungary - voted against the resolution.

Another part of EU states abstained while the rest supported the document.

The division was seen even among the Baltic States: Estonia and Latvia spoke in favor of the resolution while Lithuania abstained.

As Ukrinform reported earlier, the advisory opinion of the UN International Court of Justice in The Hague was handed down on July 19. The court noted that Israel's settlement policy in the West Bank and East Jerusalem violates international law.

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