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ადვოკატების ინფორმაციით, დაკავებულებს დაზიანებები თავისა და სახის არეში აღენიშნებათ

ISIS behind attack on Moscow concert hall, U.S. confirms - media

23.03.2024 ნახვები: 369

American intelligence data indicate the plausibility of the latest statement by the Islamic State (ISIS) group, which claimed responsibility for the attack on the Crocus concert hall in a Moscow suburb on Friday.

This was reported by CBS News with reference to its own sources, Ukrinform saw.

"A U.S. official tells CBS News the U.S. has intelligence confirming the Islamic State's claims of responsibility, and that they have no reason to doubt those claims,” the report reads.

“The U.S. official also confirmed that the U.S. provided intelligence to Russia about a potential attack under the intelligence community's Duty to Warn requirement,” it is noted.

Read also: Ukraine intel: Terrorist attack near Moscow a deliberate provocation by Putin's regime

As reported across Russian media, on Friday evening, armed gunmen sporting camouflaged uniform broke into the Crocus City Hall concert hall before a Russian band show, spraying the crowd with automatic gunfire.

During the attack, explosions rocked the venue before it was engulfed in fire. At least 60 people are reportedly dead and over a hundred were wounded.

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