ირაკლი კობახიძე - მივიღეთ გადაწყვეტილება, 2028 წლის ბოლომდე დღის წესრიგში არ დავაყენოთ ევროკავშირთან მოლაპარაკებების გახსნის საკითხი
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ე.წ. პარლამენტმა ე.წ.მთავრობას ნდობა გამოუცხადა
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Zelensky: Ukraine has fulfilled all conditions for real start of negotiations on EU accession

29.04.2024 ნახვები: 330

Ukraine has fulfilled all the conditions for the actual start of negotiations on accession to the European Union, and now the EU side must fulfill its obligations.

This was stated by President Volodymyr Zelensky in his evening video address, Ukrinform reports. 

Video: Office of the President, Telegram

"Ukraine has fulfilled all the necessary conditions for the actual start of accession negotiations, and now the EU side must fulfill its obligations," Zelensky emphasized.

According to him, the current year should bring "results with the European Union" in a political sense. 

The President also added that preparations are underway for the NATO summit to be held this summer. 

Read also: President: Path to just peace may begin in June

"We need a strong political signal - the Alliance should not be afraid of its own strength and hide from its own foundations. Every country that shares common values and is ready to really defend them deserves an invitation to join the Alliance," he stressed.

As reported by Ukrinform, Deputy Prime Minister for European and Euro-Atlantic Integration Olha Stefanishyna said that Ukraine has already made all the simple decisions to establish the state institutions necessary to start negotiations with the EU, now it is necessary to determine a strategy for establishing the rule of law in the country so that such institutions are effective and develop.

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