გიორგი გახარია - ჩვენი პოლიტიკური ძალა პრეზიდენტის უკანონო არჩევის პროცესში მონაწილეობას არ მიიღებს
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როგორ დაკომპლექტდება საარჩევნო კოლეგია, რომელიც პრეზიდენტს აირჩევს და რა შემთხვევაში დაინიშნება არჩევნების მეორე ტური

Russian army losses in Ukraine exceed 560,000

15.07.2024 ნახვები: 265

Russia lost about 560,290 troops in Ukraine between February 24, 2022 and July 15, 2024, including 1,200 soldiers killed or wounded in action in the past 24 hours.

The General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine said this in a post on Facebook, Ukrinform reports.

In addition, Ukraine's defense forces destroyed 8,214 (+8 over the past day) Russian tanks, 15,826 (+15) armored fighting vehicles, 15,324 (+62) artillery systems, 1,119 multiple rocket launchers, 892 (+2) anti-aircraft warfare systems, and 2,398 (+2) cruise missiles. The Russian army also lost 361 warplanes, 326 helicopters, 12,148 (+41) tactical unmanned aerial systems, 28 warships/cutters, 1 submarine, 20,623 (+85) vehicles and fuel tankers, and 2,569 (+3) pieces of special equipment.


"The total figures of the enemy's losses in cruise missiles and tactical UAVs are given taking into account the clarification for the previous period. The losses for the past 24 hours are given in the usual mode," the Ukrainian General Staff said.

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