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National Guard commander visits recruits on training in Germany

02.08.2024 ნახვები: 346

The Commander of the National Guard of Ukraine, Brigadier General Oleksandr Pivnenko, visited Guardsmen undergoing training on German soil.

That’s according to the NGU press service, Ukrinform reports.

During the visit, Pivnenko inspected training sites, spoke with recruits, and commanders of instructor teams from partner countries to learn more about the training system.

The commander noted soldiers’ high level of motivation and clear understanding of the tasks and goals of training.

Training sessions cover the necessary elements allowing to enhance NGU’s capabilities, professional level, skills, and abilities of its personnel.

"I thank everyone who helps us defend our independence! I thank servicemen who perform greatly in both training and combat," the commander emphasized.

As reported earlier, more than 10 countries are helping Ukraine prepare its National Guard units, providing basic and collective training, sniper, leadership, and staff-level courses, as well as language classes.

Photo: NGU

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