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In the air, at sea and on land: Zelensky shows Ukrainian-made weapons that destroy enemy

17.08.2024 ნახვები: 292

Ukrainian defense developments add strength to Ukraine and destroy Russia’s potential.

President Volodymyr Zelensky said this in a post on Telegram, sharing a relevant video.


“At sea: Neptune, Sea Baby, MAGURA V5. On land: Bohdana, Stugna, Corsar. In the air: Bober, Morok, Liutyi. These are our Ukrainian developments, that clear the Black Sea, add strength to our country and destroy Russia's potential,” the head of the Ukrainian state wrote.

As reported, Romania, following the example of other European countries, plans to develop weapons in cooperation with Ukraine, in particular, focusing on R-360 Neptune anti-ship missiles.

Photo / video: President’s Office  

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