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თიბისი - ლიდერი ტექ დამსაქმებელი
ევროკავშირის ანგარიში - საქართველოში ბიზნესი მრავალი გამოწვევის წინაშეა

Europe must be involved in talks on Ukraine - Dutch defense minister

14.02.2025 ნახვები: 258

Dutch Defense Minister Ruben Brekelmans has said that negotiations on Ukraine are impossible without Ukraine, and Europe must be involved in the dialogue.

He said this in a post on social media platform X, Ukrinform reports.

“No discussions about Ukraine without Ukraine. The same is true for Europe,” he stressed.


The Dutch defense minister noted that decisions on security guarantees directly affect Europe’s security, and 80 years of peace and freedom are at stake. Therefore, Europe should also be involved in the negotiations, he emphasized.

As Ukrinform reported, President Volodymyr Zelensky said that Ukraine would not accept any bilateral peace talks without Ukraine's participation. In addition, it is important for Ukraine to have European partners at the negotiating table.

Photo: ANP

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