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Ukraine has three sources of financial support - Zelensky

04.20.2024 | 22:51 ნახვები: 295

Aid from the European Union, financial obligations from nations that have signed bilateral security guarantees with Ukraine, and U.S. assistance, which is yet to be approved by Congress, are currently Ukraine's main financial aid sources.

President of Ukraine, Volodymyr Zelensky, stated this in an interview with Brazilian mass media, Ukrinform reports.

"EU aid, designed for four years, amounts to EUR 50 billion," Zelensky said.

He noted that the support from the EU is not sufficient to cover all costs but it still remains powerful.

At the same time, the Ukrainian head of state drew journalists’ attention to the fact that the bilateral security agreements signed with a number of countries contain a clause regarding financial assistance to the embattled nation.

Read also: U.S. House of Representatives preparing to vote on Ukraine aid

"It's not only about military support, it's about humanitarian aspects, financial and energy support," the president added.

He cited the example of Germany, which will, within the framework of the agreement signed in Berlin, provides Ukraine with EUR 7 billion in annual financial support.

In addition, Zelensky emphasized he hopes for a positive decision from the U.S. House of Representatives regarding the adoption of the draft law on providing military and financial aid to Ukraine.

Read also: Zelensky on Putin: Brave people wouldn’t threaten civilization with nukes

As reported, U.S. House Speaker Mike Johnson tabled a Ukraine aid bill for consideration, scheduled for Saturday, April 20.

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