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XI მოწვევის პარლამენტის პირველი სხდომა 25 ნოემბერს, 12:00 საათზე გაიხსნება
ლევან ხაბეიშვილი - მოქალაქეები დასავლეთ და აღმოსავლეთ საქართველოდან უერთდებიან რუსული და თვითმარქვია ხელისუფლების წინააღმდეგ პროტესტს
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მამუკა ხაზარაძე - მაქსიმალურ დისკომფორტს შევუქმნით ხელისუფლებას

President Biden calls on Republicans not to block aid for Ukraine

14.01.2024 ნახვები: 2382

United States President Joseph Biden has expressed readiness to make major changes in the migration policy and urged the members of the Republican Party not to block aid for Ukraine. Otherwise, in his words, they will have a lot to pay for.

The relevant statement was made by United States President Joseph Biden in a conversation with journalists on Saturday, an Ukrinform correspondent reports.

“I’m prepared to make significant alterations at the border. And there are negotiations going on for the last five weeks, so I’m hopeful we’ll get there,” Biden said.

When asked what is next with support for Ukraine, Biden replied: “Well, if my Republican colleagues don’t fund Ukraine, they’re going to have an awful lot of – to pay for.”

A reminder that the U.S. Republicans have been blocking aid for Ukraine for several months now, demanding that their proposals regarding the amendments to the U.S. migration policy and the strengthening of the southern border be fulfilled.


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