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ანალენა ბერბოკი - საქართველოში ათიათასობით ადამიანი ევროპის გულს თბილისის ქუჩებში ატარებს და წყლის ჭავლის წინააღმდეგ ევროკავშირის დროშა უჭირავს
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ადვოკატების ინფორმაციით, დაკავებულებს დაზიანებები თავისა და სახის არეში აღენიშნებათ

Ukraine’s Army pioneers innovations – NATO Military Committee Chair

21.03.2024 ნახვები: 457

The Armed Forces of Ukraine have fundamentally changed many aspects of modern warfare, which gives grounds for confidence in Ukraine's ability to prevail.

This was stated by the Chairman of the NATO Military Committee, Admiral Rob Bauer, who spoke at the opening of the 16th annual Kyiv Security Forum, an Ukrinform correspondent reports.

The admiral noted that the Ukrainian people and the Armed Forces of Ukraine protect the entire civilized world “in a way we have never seen before”.

Read also: No propaganda can conceal Putin’s failure to achieve strategic goals in Ukraine - NATO's Bauer

"You have fundamentally changed many aspects of modern warfare. Confronted with a combination of World War One trenches and artillery barrages and 21st century drone warfare and artificial intelligence, you have quickly adapted and fought back. You are pioneering with innovation, using combinations of Soviet style equipment with modern Western materiel," Bauer said.

According to the official facts prove there is every reason to be confident in Ukraine's ability to achieve success on the battlefield.

The head of the NATO Military Committee also noted that Russia had fired off 31 missiles on Kyiv in the early hours of Thursday, and Ukraine intercepted all of them.

Read also: U.S. ambassador responds to Russian missile attack on Kyiv

“There's nothing you cannot do. The only thing you need… is our help," said the admiral.

As Ukrinform reported earlier, on March 21, Ukraine’s air defense forces shot down two ballistic and 29 cruise missiles Russia launched at Kyiv.

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