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ანალენა ბერბოკი - საქართველოში ათიათასობით ადამიანი ევროპის გულს თბილისის ქუჩებში ატარებს და წყლის ჭავლის წინააღმდეგ ევროკავშირის დროშა უჭირავს
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ადვოკატების ინფორმაციით, დაკავებულებს დაზიანებები თავისა და სახის არეში აღენიშნებათ

Zelensky, Bauer discuss urgent need for additional air defense systems

21.03.2024 ნახვები: 599

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky and Admiral Robert Bauer, Chair of the NATO Military Committee, have discussed opportunities to strengthen the military alliance's coordination role in supporting Ukraine, notably enhancing existing defense capabilities.

That's according to the press service of the head of state, Ukrinform reports.

"Thank you for your first visit to Ukraine since the beginning of the full-scale war. This is a strong signal of support for our society. The support of NATO and its member states is primarily important for the morale of our troops and civilian Ukrainians. We appreciate that we can count on you," Zelensky said.

Zelensky briefed Bauer on Ukraine's priority defense needs and emphasized the urgent need for additional air defense systems to reliably protect Ukrainians from constant missile and drone attacks.

Read also: No propaganda can conceal Putin’s failure to achieve strategic goals in Ukraine - NATO's Bauer

Both parties also discussed opportunities to strengthen the alliance's coordination role in supporting Ukraine, in particular in enhancing existing defense capabilities, as well as in developing the country's future military potential in line with NATO standards and interoperability requirements.


Zelensky also outlined the expectations of the Ukrainian side from this year's NATO Summit in Washington.

"We count on fair assessments of our country's achievements and decisions of the Washington Summit that will bring Ukraine closer to NATO membership," he said.

Photo credit: Office of the President of Ukraine

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