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U.S. wants to engage OSCE structures to return Ukrainian children from Russia

23.03.2024 ნახვები: 288

The United States is exploring all possible ways to return Ukrainian children from Russia and punish all those responsible for their unlawful deportation, including by engaging OSCE structures.

Katherine Brucker, Charge d'Affaires at the U.S. Mission to the OSCE, said this at a meeting of the OSCE Permanent Council in Vienna, Ukrinform reports.

"The findings of the Moscow Mechanism report and Russia's ongoing actions to 'Russify' Ukraine's children demand our response. As one part of the U.S. government's response, I'm proud to inform the Permanent Council that on March 7th the United States joined the International Coalition for the Return of Ukrainian Children," Brucker said.

According to her, the United States will collaborate with the 32 coalition members to support the safe return of all Ukrainian children who have been unlawfully deported or forcibly transferred by Russia.

"We will ensure those responsible continue to face consequences and, we'll explore all possible avenues to achieve these goals, including by engaging through OSCE structures. Responding to Russia's actions against Ukraine's children is a moral imperative, including for the OSCE," the U.S. diplomat added.

Read also: House Resolution condemns Russian abductions of Ukrainian children

The United States demands that "the Russian Federation immediately cease its forcible transfer and deportation of children and restore them to their families and lawful guardians."

"We encourage our OSCE colleagues to join us in exploring all avenues to hasten the return of Ukraine's children," Brucker said.

Photo: Getty Images

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