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საფრანგეთის ევროპისა და საგარეო საქმეთა სამინისტრო - შეშფოთებულები ვართ დემონსტრანტებისა და ჟურნალისტების წინააღმდეგ გამოყენებული რეპრესიების შესახებ ცნობებით
სალომე ზურაბიშვილი - ევროპა გაიღვიძე!
რობინ დანიგანი - ჩვენ ყველა გავხდით მოწმე, როგორ იძალადა პოლიციამ პროტესტის დაკავებულ მონაწილეებსა და ჟურნალისტებზე

Russia’s loss in war only way to reliably protect life - Zelensky

24.03.2024 ნახვები: 324

Russia must lose this war, and only in this way can people’s lives be reliably protected.

President Volodymyr Zelensky made the statement via X, reports Ukrinform.


“760 days of Russia’s full-scale war against Ukraine. More than two years of clear evidence of what Putin's system is bringing to the world. Ruins instead of cities and villages. Death and pain, not life. Terror instead of international law,” Zelensky wrote.

He stressed that Ukrainians are “bravely defending their homeland and will continue to do so”.

Read also: Zelensky: Around world, we must defend against those who consider people merely expendable

The president expressed gratitude to those around the world who support Ukraine and its people, to “everyone who calls a spade a spade and refuses to let Russia deceive the world through propaganda and blackmail”.

“Russia must lose this war. This is the only way to reliably protect human lives,” Zelensky emphasized.

The Ukrainian leader noted that air defense, long-range weapons, artillery, sanctions, confiscation of Russian assets, and support for Ukraine bring “the restoration of honest peace and normal life closer”.

On February 24, 2022, the Russian Federation unleashed a full-scale war against Ukraine.

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