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This week brings good results as to defense aid packages for Ukraine - Zelensky

25.03.2024 ნახვები: 431

This week, Ukraine received funds from international partners, which will be directed to direct budgetary support and ensuring the country’s defense.

President Volodymyr Zelensky announced this in his evening address to the nation, Ukrinform reports.

"This week yielded many results in relations with partners. The European Union has approved a €5 billion Ukraine Assistance Fund. This will significantly contribute to our defense. There is a new €4.5 billion macro-financial tranche from the European Union. There is also a decision on a new IMF tranche – almost $900 million. Canada has provided 2 billion Canadian dollars in macro-financial direct budgetary support," the head of state said.

Read also: Zelensky, Sanchez agree to pace up preparation of security deal

According to the president, there are also good results regarding defense aid packages.

“There are good results in terms of defense support packages as well, with both received packages and new ones announced. These include artillery, drones, and armored vehicles,” he said.

Zelensky spoke about the talks with Prime Minister of Spain Pedro Sanchez, during which they discussed the issue of air defense for Ukraine and cooperation at the bilateral level and in European institutions.

"The key is not to grow weary, not to reduce our activity, not to lose faith in Ukraine, in our people, and in our ability to convey to the world that the enemy of human life has no right to win – Putin has no right to win. He must lose the ability to destroy the lives of others. This is the only way to ensure the common security of our people, of all Europeans, of the whole world," the president emphasized.

As reported earlier, the Ukrainian state budget received 2 billion Canadian dollars (US$1.5 billion) in preferential credit from Canada.

Photo: President’s Office

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