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გიორგი ვაშაძე - ამ პროცესს ერთადერთი მოძალადე ჰყავს და ეს არის თვითგამოცხადებული რეჟიმი
გიორგი გახარია - მთელი სამართალდამცავი სისტემა ნიღაბში უნდა იყოს?
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ანალენა ბერბოკი - საქართველოში ათიათასობით ადამიანი ევროპის გულს თბილისის ქუჩებში ატარებს და წყლის ჭავლის წინააღმდეგ ევროკავშირის დროშა უჭირავს
დღეს, თბილისში, სამი აქცია გაიმართება
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ადვოკატების ინფორმაციით, დაკავებულებს დაზიანებები თავისა და სახის არეში აღენიშნებათ

Macron: Blaming Ukraine for terrorist attack near Moscow counterproductive for Russia itself

25.03.2024 ნახვები: 357

French President Emmanuel Macron said all signs point that the attack targeting a concert venue in Krasnogorsk near Moscow was executed by Islamic State militants, so attempting to put a blame on Ukraine is "cynical and counterproductive."

The president said this during a visit to French Guiana, Ukrinform reports with reference to Le Figaro.

"I think it would be cynical and counterproductive for Russia itself and for the security of its citizens to use this context to try to flip the situation against Ukraine," Macron said.

He added that there is also the context of Russia's war of aggression toward Ukraine, which France strongly opposes.

Read also: Syrskyi discusses battlefield situation with France’s chief of Army Staff

At the same time, France offered to strengthen the fight against the Islamic State and its affiliated groups.

"It is necessary to avoid any instrumentalization or distortion, but to remain demanding and effective. It is in this spirit that we are moving forward, and I hope that Russia will do the same," said the French president.

Read also: U.S. Vice President rejects Putin's claim Ukraine involved in deadly Moscow attack

He confirmed that the Islamic State had made several attempts at attacks on French soil. Therefore, in view of these efforts, the government’s decision to raise the terrorism prevention plan to the highest level is consistent.

As reported earlier, France’s Defense Council declared the maximum level of a terrorist threat in the wake of the mass shooting in Russia.

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