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გიორგი გახარია - მივმართავ დასავლელ პარტნიორებს, გვერდით დაუდგნენ ქართველ ხალხს და არ მისცენ ლეგიტიმაცია გაყალბებულ არჩევნებს
ნათია მეზვრიშვილი - საჯარო მოხელეებო, ზუსტად ვიცი ხვდებით, რომ გუშინ ფორმიანების უკან რუსული ძალა იდგა

IAEA experts record sounds of outgoing artillery fire at ZNPP

29.03.2024 ნახვები: 350

IAEA experts have recorded the sounds of outgoing artillery fire from near the Russian-captured Zaporizhzhia Nuclear Power Plant (ZNPP).

IAEA Director General Mariano Grossi said this in a statement published on the IAEA website, Ukrinform reports.

"At the ZNPP, Europe's largest nuclear power plant (NPP), the IAEA experts stationed at the site have continued to hear explosions every day over the past week, at different distances from the plant. Several times, the sounds appeared to come from near the site, presumably from outgoing artillery fire, the experts said," the statement said.

Nearby small arms fire was heard during the night of March 22, and again on March 27.

"In addition, an air raid alarm went off at the site yesterday [on March 27], delaying the IAEA team's planned visit to the ZNPP's dry spent fuel facility until later in the day," the IAEA said.

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