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US Congress assures that assistance to Ukraine is top of agenda

01.04.2024 ნახვები: 280

House Committee Chairman Mike Turner said that when members of the U.S. Congress return to work in April, the issue of approving a bill that would provide assistance to Ukraine will be the main item on the agenda.

According to Ukrinform, this was reported by The Hill.


“The Speaker has made very clear statements that when we get back, it’s the next top agenda, after having just passed all the bills that fund the federal government,” Turner said Sunday. 

He added that the bill, which provides for the allocation of aid to Ukraine, will have great support in the US Congress.

“I believe this is going to have overwhelming support in Congress, and we’ll put a bill on the president’s desk.”

Read also: White House to Congress: Aid to Ukraine directly related to U.S. national security

CBS News correspondent Ed O’Keefe then pressed Turner on whether the bill will have strong support from GOP members, or if it will require adding a loan payment plan or border security provisions.

“I think there already is significant and very strong support among Republicans and certainly across Americans, across the country,” he said. 

Last weekend, Republican Michael McCaul, chairman of the U.S. House Foreign Affairs Committee, said that Speaker Mike Johnson intends to bring up for a vote a bill that would provide aid to Ukraine after Catholic Easter. 

As reported by Ukrinform, on February 13, the US Senate in the final vote supported a bill that provides for $95 billion in aid to Ukraine, Israel, and Taiwan, $60 billion of which is for Kyiv. 

The document must be approved by the House of Representatives before it is sent to US President Joe Biden for signature.

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