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Zelensky asks EU leaders to urgently provide Ukraine with air defense systems

18.04.2024 ნახვები: 355

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky has addressed the participants in the European Council summit, which began today in Brussels, and called on European leaders to urgently provide Ukraine with air defense systems to stop daily Russian terrorist attacks.

The Ukrainian leader said this today during a teleconference address to the leaders of the EU countries, Ukrinform reports with reference to Ecaterina Casinge, spokesperson for the President of the European Council.

"This morning in Ukraine began with another Russian terrorist attack. They hit our city of Chernihiv. Cruise missiles against civilian buildings. Many houses and a hospital were damaged, a hotel was completely destroyed. People were under the rubble. In total, more than 60 people were injured, including children. Unfortunately, 17 people were killed. My condolences to all those who lost their loved ones," Zelensky said.

He noted that this is what happens in Ukraine every day.

"It reflects our current main need: the need for air defense," Zelensky said, addressing the heads of state and government of the EU countries.

He noted that in Europe, there is no such a level of air defense that could be seen in the Middle East a few days ago. Then, thanks to the united efforts, the allies were able to shoot down almost all the missiles and drones that attacked Israel, Zelensky said.

"We are still convinced that we need to protect Europe from ballistic missiles and from Shaheds, from cruise missiles and from bombs, as it happened in the skies of Israel and other countries in the region. Our Ukrainian skies and the skies of our neighbors deserve the same level of security. I am grateful to everyone who also understands our security needs such as the need for equal security for everyone, as all lives have the same value," Zelensky said.

He thanked German Chancellor Olaf Scholz for the urgent decision to send an additional Patriot air defense system and missiles for Ukraine's air defenses.

Photo: Office of the President of Ukraine

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