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ე.წ. პარლამენტმა ე.წ.მთავრობას ნდობა გამოუცხადა
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ირაკლი ზარქუა - ვისურვებდი, დავიწყოთ გერმანიის ელჩის საქართველოდან გაწვევის პროცედურა
თინა ბოკუჩავა ევროპარლამენტარებს - რუს ოლიგარქთან პოლიტიკური ვაჭრობა უფრო წაახალისებს კრემლს და საქართველოს გარდაუვალი ავტორიტარიზმის უფსკრულისკენ უბიძგებს
თიბისის ტექ გუნდმა საერთაშორისო ღონისძიებაში, Global Software Architecture Summit მიიღო მონაწილეობა

U.S. lawmakers call on Pentagon to allow Ukraine to use U.S.-made weapons to strike targets in Russia

22.05.2024 ნახვები: 180

A bipartisan group of congressional representatives, members of the U.S. House of Representatives' Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence, has called on Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin to allow Ukraine to use U.S.-provided weapons to strike targets inside Russian territory, strengthen Ukraine's Air Force and bolster its air defenses.

That's according to a press release posted on the committee's website, Ukrinform reports.

"After meeting with a delegation of Ukrainian parliamentarians, the congressional lawmakers emphasized that in order for Ukraine to better defend itself against Russia, the United States should authorize the use of weapons by Ukraine that would allow its military to strike strategic targets within Russia, train additional Ukrainian F-16 pilots, and bolster Ukraine's air defense systems," the committee said.

The letter, addressed to the U.S. Secretary of Defense, says the current U.S. administration is trying to limit Ukraine's ability to strike targets inside Russia with U.S.-provided weapons.

"It is essential the Biden Administration allows Ukraine's military leaders an ability to conduct a full spectrum of operations necessary to respond to Russia's unprovoked attack on their sovereign land," the letter reads.

In addition, the legislators emphasized the need to increase the number of Ukrainian F-16 fighter jet pilots and bolster Ukraine's air defense systems.

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