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General Staff shows how Ukrainian military trained by foreign instructors

24.05.2024 ნახვები: 191

Within the framework of the multinational training operation INTERFLEX, Ukrainian military personnel are receiving basic general military training under the guidance of instructors from the United Kingdom, Estonia, and other partner countries.

The General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine reported this on Facebook, Ukrinform reports.



“One of the classes included in this program is firearms training. During the training, soldiers acquire skills in small arms, including proper aiming, shooting at different distances and firing from different positions,” the statement said.

An important part of firearms training is the tactics of combat, as well as interaction with other soldiers. One of the most important priorities of the military's firearms training is the ability to choose the best positions for firing, analyze and assess the terrain, fire, and make quick decisions. The recruits also practice the actions of small tactical groups during an offensive and learn to fire in a pair of twos from different positions, with a change of firing position, with the replacement of the magazine at tall targets appearing at different distances within the range of direct fire (from behind cover).

Read also: General Staff: Ukrainian forces repelling enemy attacks in Kharkiv region

Basic training for military personnel who have recently worked in civilian professions is primarily aimed at forming and developing basic professional skills.

As reported, 143 combat engagements were recorded on the frontline yesterday.

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