თინა ბოკუჩავა - ევროპარლამენტში რეზოლუციას მიიღებენ, რომელიც იქნება ერთგვარი წითელი ხაზი, რის შემდეგაც „ქართულ ოცნებასა“ და ევროკავშირს შორის ურთიერთობის აღდგენა შეუძლებელია
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DPRK again launches over 300 balloons with garbage towards South Korea

10.06.2024 ნახვები: 157

Over the past two days, North Korea has launched more than three hundred balloons with garbage towards South Korea.

According to Ukrinform, this was reported by Yonhap with reference to a statement by the Joint Chiefs of Staff (JCS).

As of 10:00 a.m. local time on Sunday, the South Korean military discovered about 330 balloons with garbage launched by Pyongyang on Saturday. At the same time, only more than 80 of them landed in South Korea, while the rest apparently did not reach the country.

The Seoul authorities received reports of about 30 balloons containing garbage as of 08:00 local time on Sunday. In addition, balloons landed in various locations in Gyeonggi Province and the port city of Incheon.

There is currently no information on casualties or material damage from the North Korean balloons.

The latest balloons contained debris, such as scraps of paper and plastic, the JCS said, adding that it was preparing for more balloon launches by the DPRK. 

Read also: DPRK sends balloons to South Korea again

As reported by Ukrinform, on 29 May, North Korea launched more than 150 balloons with garbage across the inter-Korean border. On 2 June, Pyongyang launched more than 600 more garbage balloons into South Korea and jammed GPS signals for five days in a row.

According to the South Korean military, nearly 1,000 such balloons were launched from the DPRK last week.

Pyongyang calls this a response to propaganda leaflets from the South aimed at the North Korean regime.

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