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NATO welcomes efforts to find peaceful solution to Russia-Ukraine war - Stoltenberg

14.06.2024 ნახვები: 254

NATO welcomes all efforts to find a peaceful solution to the Russia-Ukraine war, including the upcoming Peace Summit in Switzerland, and the military alliance will continue to support Ukraine so that it has a strong negotiating position.

NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg said this at a press conference after a meeting of NATO defense ministers in Brussels on Thursday, answering a question from an Ukrinform correspondent.

"We strongly support efforts to find a peaceful solution. We welcome that many countries will participate and NATO Allies will be present at the Peace Summit," Stoltenberg said.

However, in his opinion, the most important thing is that it is for Ukraine to decide what is an acceptable solution and NATO only helps Ukraine to uphold that right.

Read also: NATO Secretary General proposes EUR 40 billion in annual support for Ukraine

"That doesn't make NATO Allies a party to the conflict and at the end of the day, it has to be Ukraine that decides what is acceptable. What we do know is that what happens around the negotiating table is inextricably linked to the situation on the battlefield. So, if you want a negotiated peaceful solution to the conflict in Ukraine that ensures that Ukraine can continue as a democratic, sovereign nation in Europe, the way to get there is to provide military support to Ukraine," he said.

Therefore, according to Stoltenberg, NATO's task is to provide long-term military support to Ukraine, "to make it obvious, to demonstrate, to show President Putin that he has to sit down and accept that Ukraine prevails."

Photo: gdpr-info.eu

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