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US may allow military contractors to service US weapons in Ukraine

26.06.2024 ნახვები: 168

The US administration may lift restrictions on the deployment of US military contractors in Ukraine so that they can maintain and repair weapons systems provided by Washington.

According to Ukrinform, CNN reported this with reference to four US officials.


According to them, this issue is still being discussed, and there is no final approval from President Joe Biden yet. 

It is expected that a decision could be made by the end of this year, which would give the Pentagon the ability to contract with American companies to work in Ukraine. This should accelerate the maintenance and repair of weapons systems used by the Ukrainian military, including F-16 fighters. 

It is noted that we are talking about a small number of specialists - from several dozen to several hundred.

Read also: Russian army loses 1,110 more soldiers in Ukraine over past day

To date, US-provided military equipment that has been heavily damaged in the fighting has to be taken from Ukraine to Poland, Romania or other NATO countries for repair, which takes a long time.

Earlier, the US allowed Ukraine to use US weapons to counterattack Russia anywhere along the Ukrainian-Russian border.

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