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Russia using five airfields in Crimea – Ukrainian Navy

14.08.2024 ნახვები: 279

The enemy uses five air bases in temporarily occupied Crimea, but two of them were damaged and this reduced their operation to a minimum.

Ukrainian Navy spokesperson Dmytro Pletenchuk said this on Ukrainian television, Ukrinform reports.

"Russia uses the airfields in occupied Crimea as intended. It uses at least five airfields," he said.

Two of the airfields, he said, no longer have the load they had at the start of a full-scale invasion "because of the loss of these units."

Read also: Invaders moving military equipment from Crimea toward Kherson region - social media

"The operation of two out of five airfields has actually been reduced to a minimum. More airfields could have been used. In principle, there are many similar facilities in Crimea, but [only] these are used," he said.

Pletenchuk noted that the enemy sometimes does not want to redeploy aircraft to mainland Russia for some tactical reasons, so they continue to use the Crimean airfields.

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