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U.S. slams Russia with sanctions targeting IT sector

13.09.2024 ნახვები: 285

A number of leading tech companies have announced withdrawal from the Russian market in the wake of the latest sanctions the U.S. imposed on Russia in the IT area.

That’s according to the Ukrainian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Ukrinform reports.

"The USA has introduced tougher sanctions against Russia in the IT field – a number of leading companies and services have announced withdrawal from the Russian market or introduction of new restrictions for Russian users as early as September 12," the report says.

In particular, Google blocked registration of new accounts with Russian phone numbers and stripped Russian bloggers of receiving income through AdSense.

Read also: Britain imposes sanctions against Russian Aerospace Forces

Atlassian, Jira, Trello, and Confluence have announced complete exit from the Russian market.

The Notion service, which was used to organize operations and manage projects, became unavailable in Russia.

The Miro service will no longer support Russian and Belarusian accounts.

Microsoft has started disconnecting Russian users from its cloud services.

Slack is leaving the Russian market, discontinuing its corporate messenger services.

CAD systems and Autodesk left Russia, and SAP and Oracle left the country's ERP market.

"The new sanctions will also prohibit U.S. companies from providing IT consulting, design, support, and cloud services to any legal entity in Russia," the Foreign Ministry added.

The ministry recalled that in November 2022, the Yermak-McFaul Sanctions Group proposed IT sanctions against Russia for the first time, and thanked partners for their resolute moves.

As Ukrinform reported earlier, despite Western sanctions, Russia keeps receiving multibillion-dollar profits from oil and gas exports and use them to fuel the war against Ukraine.

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