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Zelensky at UN: Russia, its accomplices again seeking to undermine global unity

24.09.2024 ნახვები: 332

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky drew the attention of the UN member states to new destructive actions by Russia and its accomplices who once again tried to undermine global unity and reduce the effectiveness of the UN Charter.

He said this in his speech at the Summit of the Future in New York on Monday, according to an Ukrinform correspondent.

"Ukraine supports [international] efforts to keep all nations united, safe and strictly adhere to the UN Charter. And you all can see who always not only stands against it but also actively works to undermine global unity," Zelensky said.

According to him, this time, during the work on the "Pact for the Future," the same small group of seven accomplices led by Russia "has once again acted destructively, always opposing any global initiatives that strengthen the effectiveness of the UN Charter."

He emphasized that this group had always behaved this way whenever the UN tried to do something that works for everyone's good.

Read also: Zelensky at UN: Ukraine is working to implement other points of Peace Formula

In this regard, Zelensky thanked Germany and Namibia for their co-facilitation of the Pact for the Future; Zambia and Sweden for facilitating the negotiations on the Global Digital Compact; and Jamaica and the Netherlands for co-chairing the intergovernmental process on the Declaration on Future Generations.

"It's very, very important that we hear a united voice from Africa now - this joint stance of African countries strengthens global efforts. And my sincere thanks to all the countries that have offered their helpful ideas for the future," Zelensky said.

He emphasized that the world needs a peaceful future and sustainable development.

"And I say this as President of Ukraine, a country resisting Russia's brutal colonial aggression. And we know exactly how much global unity can achieve, both here at the UN and through the Peace Summits for Ukraine where we aim to overcome the destructiveness of Russia and its accomplices," he said.

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