თბილისში დღეს ქალთა მარში გაიმართება
21:00 საათზე რესპუბლიკის მოედანზე მორიგი აქცია გაიმართება
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სალომე ზურაბიშვილი - დღეს ვინც პარლამენტში შევა, შევა რუსეთში
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ოლაფ შოლცი - რუსეთის მიერ უკრაინაში ახალი ბალისტიკური რაკეტის გამოყენება სახიფათო ესკალაციაა
კესარია აბრამიძის მკვლელობაში ბრალდებული ბექა ჯაიანი, ფსიქიატრიულ-ფსიქოლოგიური ექსპერტიზის დასკვნის თანახმად, შერაცხადია
Russians strike Dnipro with ballistic missile, likely from Kedr complex – Ukrainian intel

Finland’s president: no country has historical right to anyone else’s territory

27.09.2024 ნახვები: 219

Russia is doing everything it can to blame others for its own invasion of Ukraine, but no country has a right to someone else's territory.

This was stated by President Alexander Stubb of Finland in his speech at the UN General Assembly, Ukrinform reports, citing Yle.

Stubb said the war in Ukraine continues because the Russian leadership is not willing to end it.

"While Russia is doing its best to blame others for its own aggression, we must systematically revert to the principles of international law and the UN Charter. (…) Finland condemns, in the strongest possible terms, the Russian aggression in Ukraine. Finland equally condemns the attempts to manipulate the global information space to destroy the principles that have sustained world peace for decades," Stubb said, urging Putin to immediately end the war.

Read also: China pursuing frozen war, threatening Europe - German lawmaker

Stubb emphasized that “neither Russia nor any other country has a historical right to anyone else’s region or people”. Also, he stated that a just peace should be based on the ten-point peace plan put forward by Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky.

This is “clearly in the interests of the global majority”, added the head of the Finnish state.

As Ukrinform reported earlier, Stubb previously stated that no member state of the UN Security Council should have the right of veto, and any member waging an illegal war, such as Russia, should be expelled from the organization.

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