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Baerbock at UN: Stopping support for Ukraine's self-defense will lead to more wars

27.09.2024 ნახვები: 283

Stopping support for Ukraine's self-defense will lead to an increase in the number of wars, not a decrease.

According to Ukrinform, this was stated by German Foreign Minister Annalena Baerbock during a speech at the UN General Assembly in New York.

Baerbock stated that as long as Putin refuses to engage in negotiations, halting support for Ukraine's self-defense would result in stripping Ukrainian hospitals and children of security. She added that this would likely lead to an increase in the number of conflicts, potentially in other countries as well, rather than reducing them.

She recalled that in June, after inviting Russia to an international peace summit, “Putin sent his response by bombing a children's hospital.”

Baerbock emphasized that Russia has recently “repeatedly played with the inviolability of the borders of the Baltic States and Poland.” “So I'm asking you to help urge Putin to stop his attacks and come to the negotiating table. Not only for the sake of our security, but also in your interests. If a permanent member of the UN Security Council is allowed to conquer and destroy its smaller neighbor, the very essence of the UN Charter is under attack,” the German Foreign Minister emphasized.

Read also: Czechia’s top diplomat calls not to fall for Putin’s nuclear threats

As reported, the 79th session of the UN General Assembly continues in New York. The theme of this year's high-level debate is “Leaving no one behind: working together for peace, sustainable development and human dignity for present and future generations”.

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