ვინ ძალადობს ამას სჭირდება შესწავლა და გამოკვლევა - პროტოპრესვიტერი გიორგი ზვიადაძე
საკონსტიტუციო სასამართლომ არჩევნებზე პრეზიდენტისა და ოპოზიციის სარჩელები წარმოებაში არ მიიღო
ნატო-ს გენერალური მდივანი - ცნობები ძალადობის შესახებ ღრმად შემაშფოთებელია და ვგმობ მას
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Russian kamikaze drones breach Belarus airspace fourth night in row - monitor

14.11.2024 ნახვები: 257

For the fourth consecutive night, several Russian Shahed one-way attack drones flew into Belarus during an attack on Ukraine.

This was reported by Belarusian Hajun monitoring project, Ukrinform reports.

It is noted that on the night of November 12, at least 12 fly-ins by Russian kamikaze drones from Ukraine were recorded in Belarus.

Drones flew over Bragin, Gomel and Rechitsa, and repeatedly passed through the "Belarusian corridor".

Read also: Ukrainian forces intercept four missiles, 37 drones

During the night, at least two drones disappeared from radars while over Belarus, which was also indirectly confirmed by the Ukrainian Air Force. The latter reported that two UAVs had left Ukraine’s airspace toward Belarus and Russia.

It was already the fourth night in a row when the Russian Shahed drones flew into Belarus but it was the first time throughout these days that Belarus scrambled a jet to intercept air targets.

The fighter jet took off from the Baranovichi airfield around 07:40 and returned to the base at 08:45.

As Ukrinform reported earlier, in the early hours of Wednesday, November 13, Russia’s armed forces launched a combined missile and drone attack on Kyiv, for the first time in the past 73 days.

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