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Ukrainian president, CoE secretary general discuss special tribunal for Russia

05.12.2024 ნახვები: 313

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky met with Secretary General of the Council of Europe Alain Berset in Kyiv to discuss the need to establish a special tribunal on the crime of Russia's aggression against Ukraine.

Zelensky reported this on Telegram, according to Ukrinform.

"We discussed the need to create a special tribunal on the crime of aggression. It is important to bring Russian war criminals to justice," he said.

The meeting also focused on the release of prisoners and the return of Ukrainian children illegally deported by Russia.

Zelensky highlighted Ukraine's appreciation for the Council of Europe's role in establishing the Register of Damage as part of an international compensation mechanism. He also expressed hope for the creation of a Commission for Considering Applications, a Compensation Fund, and continued leadership from the Council of Europe in these efforts.

Read also: Zelensky: Yale University researchers identified hundreds of Ukrainian children abducted by Russia

Ukraine, in collaboration with its partners, is advocating for the establishment of the special tribunal. This initiative has received support from the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the European Parliament, the NATO Parliamentary Assembly, the OSCE Parliamentary Assembly, and various individual countries.

Photo: Office of the President of Ukraine

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