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Zelensky holds meeting to discuss preparing energy system for winter

06.09.2023 ნახვები: 296

President Volodymyr Zelensky held a regular meeting of the Supreme Commander-in-Chief's Staff to prepare the power system for winter.

According to Ukrinform, the President wrote about it on Telegram.

"A comprehensive plan to protect critical infrastructure facilities from anything a terrorist country can come up with. The reports of Prime Minister Shmyhal, Vice Prime Minister Kubrakov, the entire energy sector, the State Special Communications Service, the General Staff, and regional military administrations," the President noted.

Zelensky also emphasized that there is still work to be done. All participants were given specific tasks with specific deadlines.

Read also: Ukraine, Italy discuss energy needs for next winter

"We will pay special attention to this topic," he added.

As Ukrinform reported, President Volodymyr Zelensky said that some energy and strategic facilities should return to state control to avoid other risks

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