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Ukraine's parliament speaker signs bill to reinstate asset declarations

09.12.2023 | 14:27 ნახვები: 204

Verkhovna Rada Chairman Ruslan Stefanchuk has signed the bill to reinstate electronic asset declarations during martial law.

The document was sent to President Volodymyr Zelensky for signature on September 12, according to the parliament's website.

The Ukrainian parliament adopted Bill No. 9534 "On Amendments to Certain Laws of Ukraine on Defining the Procedure for Submission of Declarations by Persons Authorized to Perform the Functions of the State or Local Self-Government during Martial Law" on September 5.

Read also: Officials' non-public declarations during the war: Why Ukrainian society is against

The approved version of the document contains a provision that provides for leaving the register of asset declarations closed for one more year, with the possibility for declarants to voluntarily submit an application to the National Agency on Corruption Prevention to disclose their assets during the year.

The provision caused public outcry. A petition calling on President Volodymyr Zelensky to veto the bill and return it to the parliament with the demand to open the register of asset declarations of officials gathered the necessary number of signatures in a record time. Currently, the petition has already been signed by 83,854 citizens, with the required minimum being 25,000.

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