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Ukraine's Danube ports increase cargo handling by 2.2 times in Jan-Oct

20.11.2023 ნახვები: 217

Ukraine's Danube ports of Reni, Izmail and Ust-Dunaisk increased cargo handling by 2.2 times from January through October 2023 compared to the same period in 2022, from 12.6 million tonnes to 27.6 million tonnes.

According to an Ukrinform correspondent, Head of the Ukrainian Sea Ports Authority Yuriy Lytvyn said this during an "Infrastructure Day" held by the European Business Association (EBA).

Compared to January-October 2021, when the Danube ports handled only 4.4 million tonnes, cargo turnover increased by 6.3 times.

Read also: Ukrainian farmers harvest almost 74M t of grains, oilseeds

Lytvyn clarified that out of 40.2 million tonnes of cargo processed in the first ten months of 2022 and 2023, 18.3 million tonnes accounted for grain, 3.6 million tonnes - ore, 3.2 million tonnes – sunflower oil, 2.6 million tonnes - petroleum products, and 12.4 million tonnes - other cargoes.

The number of vessels processed in the Danube ports in the first ten months of this year increased by 54.3% compared to the same period in 2022, to 12,000.

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