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Ukrainian entrepreneur detained over supplying materials for Russia’s “dragon’s teeth” fortifications

04.02.2024 | 09:43 ნახვები: 260

The Security Service of Ukraine apprehended in Kyiv a businessman who is believed to have supplied to Russia batches of materials for the construction of anti-tank fortifications in temporarily occupied territories.

That’s according to the SBU press service, Ukrinform reports.

The culprit owns several enterprises in Berdiansk, Zaporizhzhia region.

It was established that after the town was captured by Russian troops, the perpetrator chose to cooperate with the invaders. In particular, he supplied Russian companies with sand, crushed stone, and cement for the construction of fortifications on the southern front lines.

This is primarily about mass production of anti-tank reinforced concrete structures, known as "dragon's teeth".

Read also: SBU helped expose pro-Russian network of influence on MEPs in Prague - sources

Later, the suspect left for Kyiv, from where he continued to run his illegal business in the temporarily captured part of Zaporizhzhia region. To this end, he left behind his entire team of managers, whom he led remotely.

It was at the behest of the suspect that his subordinates in Berdyansk "re-registered" the enterprises in line with Russian "legislation", after which they have been regularly replenishing the Russian budget by paying “taxes”.

The SBU pressed charges under Art. 111-1 Part 4 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine (conducting commercial activities in cooperation with the aggressor state or illegal authorities created on the temporarily occupied territory, including occupation administrations).

The court ruled to remand the suspect in custody.

As Ukrinform reported earlier, law enforcers pressed charges against the so-called CEO of one of the enterprises in temporarily captured Melitopol, Zaporizhzhia region.

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