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In F-16 crash inquiry, Ukraine plays key role - Pentagon

04.09.2024 ნახვები: 177

The U.S. Department of Defense chose not to comment on the details of the F16 incident in Ukraine, emphasizing that the Ukrainian side plays the leading role in the ongoing probe.

Pentagon spokesman General Patrick Ryder spoke with reporters on Tuesday, Ukrinform's own correspondent reports.

Like any sovereign nation where a similar incident occurs, Ukraine plays a leading role in the investigation, Ryder noted, adding that he has no further comments to the media regarding the recent incident in Ukraine involving an F-16 fighter jet donated by partners.

Read also: Ukraine produces lot of long-range drones, but we need even more and faster - Zelensky

As Ukrinform reported earlier, the Ukrainian side lost the F-16 while repelling a massive Russian missile and drone strike on August 26. The jet’s pilot, Oleksiy Mes, died.

The General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine stated that during the aerial battle, the F-16s “demonstrated their high efficiency, four enemy cruise missiles were shot down by air-to-air weapons”.

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