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ჯო ბაიდენი - პუტინი ფიქრობდა, რომ კიევს რამდენიმე დღეში დაიპყრობდა, მაგრამ სიმართლე ისაა, რომ მე ვარ, ვინც კიევის ცენტრში იდგა

Russian missile carrier on combat duty off Crimea coast

16.09.2024 ნახვები: 289

In the Black Sea, the Russian Navy keeps a single Kalibr missile carrier.

This is reported by the Ukrainian Navy Command, Ukrinform saw.

"There is an enemy warship in the Black Sea, a carrier of Kalibr cruise missiles with a total salvo of up to four missiles, while there are no enemy ships in the Sea of ​​Azov," the post reads.

Also, according to the Navy, there are five Russian warships on combat duty in the Mediterranean Sea, four of which carry Kalibr cruise missiles with a total salvo of up to 32 missiles.

Read also: Romania condemns Russian attack on commercial ship in Black Sea

As part of the Kerch Strait navigation monitoring, the Ukrainian Navy says 12 vessels crossed from the Sea of Azov into the Black Sea through Russia-controlled passage, of which 7 continued their movement toward tge Bosphorus Strait, and 11 vessels crossed into the Sea of ​​Azov, of which 5 came from the Bosphorus Strait.

As Ukrinform reported earlier, citing witness reports on social media, Russia’s large landing ship was spotted in temporarily occupied Sevastopol.

Illustrative photo

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