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Nearly 20 Russian drones downed on approach to Kyiv

16.09.2024 ნახვები: 175

In the early hours of Monday, September 16, air defense forces shoot down almost two dozen enemy UAVs in the airspace around Kyiv.

This was announced by the head of the municipal military administration, Serhiy Popko, via Telegram, Ukrinform reports.

"The eighth Russian air attack on Kyiv, and this is only the first half of September! Like the previous attacks, the enemy once again used attack UAVs, likely of the Shahed type. But unlike the recent attacks, this one was a massive one," he noted.

Popko added that the air raid alert had gone off n the capital around 2:00 and lasted for over three hours.

Read also: Ukraine must be able to hit airfields deep inside Russia - Borrell

"Russian attack drones were heading toward Kyiv in groups from different directions. Our air defenses intercepted almost two dozen enemy UAVs in the airspace around the capital!" the official stressed.

Tentative reports say no damage was incurred and no casualties were confirmed.

As reported earlier, an air raid alert went off two times in Kyiv and a number of regions overnight Monday.

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