სალომე ზურაბიშვილი - აშშ-ის მომავალი მინისტრებისთვის ძირითადი "მესიჯის" გადაცემა შევძელი
გიორგი ბაჩიაშვილი - აქ „დიფ სთეითი“ და „გლობალური ომის პარტია“ არაფერ შუაშია - საქმე გაქვთ ცივილიზებული სამყაროს მიერ თქვენი უკანონო, ძალადობრივი და გამოძალვითი ქმედებების მხილებასთან
გოჩა ჯავახიშვილი - 20 იანვარიც გადაგორდა - ტრამპი პრეზიდენტია
„ახალი თეატრი“ - ჩვენი ულტიმატუმის ვადა ამოიწურა, ჩვენ ვიწყებთ!
სალომე ზურაბიშვილი: ვულოცავ დონალდ ტრამპს პრეზიდენტობის ახალი ვადის დაწყებას
Russian troops lose 1,600 invaders, air defense system in Ukraine over last day
Trump confirms he wants to end the war in Ukraine as soon as possible
Trump confirms at inauguration that he will seek to end all wars - Herbst

Trump confirms at inauguration that he will seek to end all wars - Herbst

21.01.2025 ნახვები: 261

Donald Trump's inaugural statements about his desire to end all wars and become a peacemaker are consistent, as they confirm his statements during the election campaign.

This opinion was expressed in a comment to Ukrinform by John Herbst, former US Ambassador to Ukraine and Director of the Atlantic Council's Eurasia Center.

“Trump has been making similar statements as a presidential candidate for some time,” the diplomat said.

He clarified that Trump had previously spoken repeatedly about the possibility of concluding an agreement between Israel and Hamas on hostages and a ceasefire in Gaza. In addition, he emphasized the need to end Russia's war against Ukraine.

The expert agrees that Trump's victory in the election to some extent contributed to the agreement between Israel and Hamas. After all, the group's leadership was obviously concerned that he might take tougher measures against them.

Read also: Erdogan plans to discuss ending Russia’s war in Ukraine with Trump

Regarding the situation in Ukraine, Herbst said, members of Trump's team have already presented “a number of conditions that they believe will form the basis for a deal.” In particular, the ex-ambassador noted, it is about the concessions that both the Kremlin and Ukraine must make. 

In this regard, Herbst recalled that Trump's team believes that it is appropriate for Ukraine to make a territorial compromise and “forget” about NATO for at least 20 years. Russia, on the other hand, must agree to the creation of a demilitarized zone controlled by European troops and accept that the West will arm Ukraine even more to prevent repeated Russian aggression. 

As Ukrinform reported, during his inaugural speech, Trump said he would strengthen the US Armed Forces so that America's power could stop all wars.

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