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Russia already waging war against EU – Shmyhal

14.02.2025 ნახვები: 311

The European Union is already being subjected to attacks from Russia, Ukrainian Prime Minister Denys Shmyhal has said.

He stated this in an article for Politico, according to Ukrinform.

"When Russian ships destroy Internet cables at the bottom of the Baltic Sea near Finland with their anchors, it is also an act of Russian aggression. When cruise missiles enter the airspace of Poland or Romania, it is an act of Russian aggression. When drones circle over the Ramstein Air Base in Germany, it is an act of Russian aggression. Migration pressure on the borders of Lithuania and Poland, the demarcation of the border with Estonia, direct support for separatism and radical politics, cyber and information attacks — these all constitute acts of multidimensional Russian aggression against the EU and its member countries," Shmyhal wrote.

Read also: Peacekeepers could be deployed to Ukraine from both NATO and third countries – Rutte

He said that while there are no Russian tanks on the streets of European cities, Moscow is conducting a hybrid war, using information, energy and food as military instruments.

According to Shmyhal, the Kremlin's goal is quite clear: Russia is trying to sow panic, cause chaos and make citizens doubt their own governments' ability to protect them. He warned that Russia would continue dismantling the existing world order and Europe's security architecture, particularly by supporting radical political forces within the EU.

"The bloc is no longer just standing on the threshold of new emerging security challenges. It is living them," he said.

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