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Zelensky thanks Biden for two military aid packages

30.07.2024 ნახვები: 205

President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelensky thanked U.S. President Joe Biden, Congress, and both of its parties, as well as the entire American people for announcing two military aid packages totaling $1.7 billion.

The Head of State wrote about this in the social network X, Ukrinform reports. 

“I am deeply grateful to Joe Biden, Congress and its both parties, and the entire American people for today's announcement of two US military aid packages totaling $1.7 billion,” Zelensky said.

They include critical ammunition, including air defense ammunition, electronic warfare capabilities, and other items critical to strengthening Ukrainian defenders, as well as funding to sustain previously committed equipment from the United States. 

Read also: Zelensky says electricity deficit to be gradually eliminated

“Today in the Kharkiv region, I witnessed firsthand how such ongoing assistance allows us to save lives and protect people from Russian attacks. Most importantly, this assistance shows America's strength and leadership in the face of aggression and terror. The stronger such leadership, the more stable the world,” Zelensky said. 

As reported by Ukrinform, the Pentagon announced on Monday a new $200 million military aid package to meet Ukraine's critical needs, as well as $1.5 billion in the Ukraine Security Assistance Initiative.

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