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Ukrainian forces hit Russian Buk-M3, destroy radar station in Luhansk region

25.10.2024 ნახვები: 264

The Ukrainian Defense Forces hit a Russian Buk-M3 missile system and destroyed a 9S36 Buk-M2 missile system's missile guidance radar.

The General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine posted this on Facebook, Ukrinform reports.

On the night of October 25, units of the Ukrainian Unmanned Systems Forces, in cooperation with other units of the Defense Forces, as part of the tasks of detecting and eliminating Russian air defense systems, hit a Buk-M3 missile system and destroyed a 9S36 missile guidance radar of 9K317 Buk-M2 missile system.


The targets were located on the territory of the Luhansk region temporarily occupied by Russia, several dozen kilometers from the front line.

As reported by Ukrinform, the Ukrainian Defense Forces destroyed a Russian Buk-M3 missile system located 60 kilometers from the front line.

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