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Mongolia explains why it failed to arrest Putin

04.09.2024 ნახვები: 196

Mongolia is energy dependent, that is the reason why it failed to execute an international arrest warrant against Russian President Vladimir Putin accused of war crimes in Ukraine.

This was stated by the Mongolian government spokesperson in his comment to Politico, Ukrinform reports.

"Mongolia imports 95% of its petroleum products and over 20% of electricity from our immediate neighborhood, which have previously suffered interruption for technical reasons. This supply is critical to ensure our existence and that of our people," the spokesperson said.

He added that "Mongolia has always maintained a policy of neutrality in all its diplomatic relations, as demonstrated in our statements of record to date."

Mongolia's government spokesperson also added that Putin's visit is “in keeping with the historic precedent of heads of state jointly celebrating the anniversary of the victory by Soviet and Mongolian forces over Japan in the Battle of Khalkhin Gol in 1939. "

Read also: By refusing to arrest Putin, Mongolia has jeopardized its international subjectivity - Kostin

As Ukrinform reported, Kremlin leader Vladimir Putin met with his Mongolian counterpart in Ulaanbaatar on Tuesday. This is Putin's first visit to a country that has ratified the Rome Statute and is to arrest the Russian leader on a warrant issued by the ICC in The Hague.

In March 2023, the International Criminal Court in The Hague issued an arrest warrant against Putin charged with the unlawful deportation and transfer of Ukrainian children from occupied areas of Ukraine to the Russian Federation;

The ICC declared that the country is under an obligation to comply with the Court requirements.

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine condemned Mongolia over failure to arrest Russian President Vladimir Putin despite the ICC arrest warrant.

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