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გიორგი გახარია - მივმართავ დასავლელ პარტნიორებს, გვერდით დაუდგნენ ქართველ ხალხს და არ მისცენ ლეგიტიმაცია გაყალბებულ არჩევნებს
ნათია მეზვრიშვილი - საჯარო მოხელეებო, ზუსტად ვიცი ხვდებით, რომ გუშინ ფორმიანების უკან რუსული ძალა იდგა

Russian army kill 538 children in Ukraine

03.04.2024 ნახვები: 408

The Russian army has already killed 538 children in Ukraine.

The Office of the Prosecutor General reported this on Telegram, according to Ukrnform.


"More than 1,818 children have suffered in Ukraine as a result of Russia's full-scale armed aggression. As of the morning of April 3, 2024, according to official information from juvenile prosecutors, 538 children were killed and more than 1,280 were injured of varying severity," the Office of the Prosecutor General emphasized.

Most children were affected in the Donetsk region - 524, Kharkiv - 344, Kherson - 149, Kyiv - 130, Dnipropetrovsk - 130, Mykolaiv - 103, Zaporizhzhia - 100.

Read also: Missile strike on Dnipro: 13 people injured, including five children

On April 2, Russians shelled the village of Novoosynove, Kupiansk district, Kharkiv region. An injured 11-year-old boy died in the hospital.

On April 2, five children aged 14 to 17 were injured in the shelling of Dnipro by Russian troops.

As reported, on the evening of April 2, the Russian army fired a missile at Dnipro. 18 people were injured. Among the 12 hospitalized are five children.

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