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პარლამენტთან გამართულ აქციაზე 43 პირია დაკავებული
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ევროპარლამენტი ბიძინა ივანიშვილის, ირაკლი კობახიძის, კახა კალაძის, შალვა პაპუაშვილისა და ირაკლი ღარიბაშვილის დასანქცირებას მოითხოვს
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თიბისი კონცეპტი თბილისის საერთაშორისო კინოფესტივალის ტრადიციული მხარდამჭერია

Zelensky: Ukrainian developments to help counter Russian propaganda in border communities

19.04.2024 ნახვები: 338

During a conference call, President Volodymyr Zelensky discussed the problems of access to Ukrainian television signals and blocking Russian propaganda in border communities. Ukrainian technical developments will help counteract propaganda.

The head of state said this during his traditional evening video address, Ukrinform reported.


“We discussed the situation in the border communities, including the information field, the access of people to the Ukrainian television signal and the blocking of Russian propaganda. Our own, Ukrainian, technical developments should also help with this. It is worth remembering that Russian propaganda is invariably followed by, at the very least, destabilization and, at worst, an attempted occupation. At all levels, we and our partners must work together to counteract it. And I thank everyone in the world – all leaders, all public figures, all politicians – who take seriously the need to protect people from disinformation and all other Russian destabilizing influences,” Zelensky said. 

Read also: Zelensky: There are important results of our domestic defense production

As reported, on February 9, a representative of the National Council of Ukraine on Television and Radio Broadcasting in the Chernihiv region, Iryna Senchenko, said that after last year's work to cover the border of Chernihiv region with the state digital multichannel network MX-7, the television signal in the region has improved significantly.

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