ექიმი - ჟურნალისტ გურამ როგავას აქვს სახის ძვლების მოტეხილობა, ასევე კისრის მე-7 მალის რკალის მოტეხილობა
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Poland reveals challenges in donating new aid packages to Ukraine

19.04.2024 ნახვები: 329

Hungary is blocking the provision of EUR 450 million in compensation from the European budget to Poland for weapons previously donated to Ukraine. Therefore, this makes it difficult for Warsaw to transfer more packages of military aid to Kyiv.

Radoslaw Sikorski, the head of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, stated this on TVN24, Ukrinform reports.

"Hungary is blocking EUR 450 million, which Poland should receive from the European budget for weapons supplied to Ukraine. This makes it difficult for us to send further aid packages to Ukraine," said Sikorski.

As reported, in March, Sikorski said Poland was preparing the 45th aid package for Ukraine, while the previous two were worth a total of $100 million.

Read also: Duda: We must do everything possible to enable Ukraine to return all of its territories

President Andrzej Duda recently noted that Poland was among the leaders among the nations that help Ukraine militarily. According to the Polish leader, two years into the large-scale war, Poland has trained 15,000 Ukrainian recruits, handed Ukraine over more than 300 tanks, over 350 armored personnel carriers, 10 MiG-29 fighter jets, and other capabilities.

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