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U.S. could deliver air defense capabilities to Ukraine within weeks once legislation passed – PM Shmyhal

19.04.2024 ნახვები: 398

American partners assure Ukraine they will transfer to Ukraine a new batch of military aid, including critical air defense capabilities, within weeks, immediately after the relevant legislation passes Congress and gets signed off by President.

Ukrainian Prime Minister Denys Shmyhal said this in Washington after meetings with a number of U.S. officials on Thursday, Ukrinform's own correspondent reports.

"We had plenty of meetings, including at the White House. We were promised that assistance would be transferred to Ukraine immediately," said the head of the Ukrainian government.

He agreed that the priority task is to get from the U.S. more air defense capabilities so it should arrive in the country quickly.

Read also: Trump: Survival of Ukraine important for U.S.

"It will take weeks, not months," the prime minister clarified.

He emphasized that Ukraine needs effective systems, such as Patriots, which can effectively protect Ukrainian infrastructure from Russian ballistic missiles.

As Ukrinform reported, NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg said on Thursday that the Alliance is working on sending more air defense systems to Ukraine. He noted that any delays in providing such assistance harm Kyiv's efforts to counter Russian missile attacks.

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