ირაკლი კობახიძე - მივიღეთ გადაწყვეტილება, 2028 წლის ბოლომდე დღის წესრიგში არ დავაყენოთ ევროკავშირთან მოლაპარაკებების გახსნის საკითხი
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ე.წ. პარლამენტმა ე.წ.მთავრობას ნდობა გამოუცხადა
„ძლიერმა საქართველომ“ ე.წ. პარლამენტს მანდატების გაუქმების მოთხოვნით ოფიციალურად მიმართა

Next package of U.S. aid to be larger than usual - media

23.04.2024 ნახვები: 394

The U.S. administration is preparing a larger-than-normal package of military aid to Ukraine, which will include armored vehicles in addition to urgently needed artillery and air defenses.

 This was reported by Politico with reference to a number of U.S. officials, Ukrinform learned.

The Pentagon wants the package to be ready immediately after President Joe Biden signs off on a Ukraine aid bill once it passes the Senate floor on Tuesday.

The package the DoD is finalizing at the moment will include, among other items, Bradley infantry fighting vehicles, Humvees, M113 tracked armored personnel carriers, as well as missiles.

The administration is preparing "a big package to help meet Ukraine's battlefield needs," the official said, adding that it will also include artillery and air defense capabilities.

Earlier, Assistant Secretary of Defense for International Security Affairs Celeste Wallander told lawmakers that the Pentagon plans to deliver the aid "within a week or two" after it is approved.

Read also: American aid to arrive in Ukraine “very soon” - Assistant Secretary of State

Also, the U.S. is looking into deploying in Ukraine up to 60 military advisers.

The latest U.S. emergency aid package came in March, when the Defense Department cobbed together $300 million in savings from previous contracts. It included artillery, air defense equipment, and longer-range missiles.

Read also: After U.S. House vote, synchronization being observed in int’l arena - MP Mezentseva

As Ukrinform reported earlier, on Saturday, the U.S. House of Representatives passed a bill that lays down nearly $61 billion for Ukraine's defense needs.

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