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Explosions in occupied Crimea amid reported drone attack

17.05.2024 ნახვები: 274

A series of blasts rocked the areas of Sevastopol and Dzhankoy in temporarily occupied Crimea overnight Friday.

That’s according to the Crimean Wind Telegram channel, Ukrinform reports.

"Bangs in the Dzhankoy district," the brief comment reads. 

Later, eyewitnesses in Sevastopol also reported the explosions, claiming they were a result of a drone attack.

"In Sevastopol, there are loud explosions and outcoming fire bursts. In Balaklava, the air defense is shooting at drones," the report says.

Read also: New FSB units arrive in Dzhankoi to protect military facilities - guerrillas

Later, there were reports of a partial blackout in Sevastopol.

At around 3:00 at night, the Telegram channel reported more blasts in Sevastopol.

"Explosions and shooting again in Sevastopol, approximately in the area of the Striletska Bay. Loud explosions are heard on the Korabelnas’ side of Sevastopol," the report reads.

As Ukrinform reported earlier, on April 30 in the temporarily occupied Dzhankoy, a military airfield, base to the helicopter regiment of the 4th Air Force and Air Defense Command of Russia’s Southern Military District, was attacked by missiles.

This is an illustrative photo

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